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Some people say eating meat is wrong (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays every second person is a vegetarian. It means that a diet does not include any kind of meat in.

In my opinion, eating meat is totally bad and I do not support hunting and killing animals. I am against cruel treatment with animals. I love them and do not want to harm them in any way.

And of course there are some advantages of non-eating meat. First of all, one do not support cruelty by eating meat. One can save lives of thousands Ando millions cute innocent animals which deserve peaceful existence. Secondly, being vegetarian can help some people to lose weight, be fit. Moreover, most of the cattle is fed with toxic substances to grow faster.

If it penetrates into your organism, you would get ill or even something worse.

However, some people would complain and ask where they can find vital protein, minerals and energy. One can easily get it by eating different kind of cereals, such as buckwheat, cinoa, cous-cous and so on. Sure, turkey, pork, poultry is tasty but it is not worth to kill the cattle and make life on our wonderful planet cruel.

Personally I, do not agree with my opponents. I do not eat meat because I want to save life on Earth.

To put my ideas in a nutshell, eating meat is harmful by a wide range of reasons. But it depends on individual experience and personal circumstances.






































































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