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Eating out makes people happier (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about the role eating out in our life. Some people strongly believe that it is normal and makes people happier. Others suppose that eating in cafe and restaurants are harmful and disappoints people.

From my point of view, eating out really makes people happier. First of all, the difference of dishes always makes people feel optimistic. For example, a person can taste something in reastaurant that they have never eaten. Second of all, they can relax and enjoy food. For instance, people need not to cook and wash dirty plates.

However, other people believe that it is impractical. Eating out is so expensive for people. Moreover, they will always think and worry about the bill, although they could cook it at home and it will be cheaper.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because eating out can be cheap and comfortable.

Also, if you go to a restaurant or cafe less and calculate a budget, people will be able to relax, enjoy a meal and not worry about the costs.

To sum up, I am completely convinced that eating out makes people relaxed and satisfied because they do not have to cook and clean, they can try new foods, relax and become happier.

It goes without saying that people have different opinions about the role eating out in our life. Some people strongly believe that it is normal and makes people happier. Others suppose that eating in cafe and restaurants are harmful and disappoints people.

From my point of view, eating out really makes people happier. First of all, the difference of dishes always makes people feel optimistic. For example, a person can taste something in reastaurant that they have never eaten. Second of all, they can relax and enjoy food. For instance, people need not to cook and wash dirty plates.

However, other people believe that it is impractical. Eating out is so expensive for people. Moreover, they will always think and worry about the bill, although they could cook it at home and it will be cheaper.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because eating out can be cheap and comfortable. Also, if you go to a restaurant or cafe less and calculate a budget, people will be able to relax, enjoy a meal and not worry about the costs.

To sum up, I am completely convinced that eating out makes people relaxed and satisfied because they do not have to cook and clean, they can try new foods, relax and become happier.


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