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space exploration is the geratest achievement of the 20th century (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It cannot be denied that twentieth century was filled with a big diversity of discoveries and inventions. Some people think that space exploration was the most important achievement of mankind, while others argue that space expeditions were not the greatest accomplishment of the twentieth century.

From my point of view, space exploration was invaluable contribution in future. Firstly, it allows people to prevent potential dangers ahead of time. Satellites were necessary for predicting hurricanes and earthquakes. Plenty of people would be dead without new technologies. Secondly, many products have been developed from the knowledge gained from space exploration. For example, NASA created Velcro that is used in many clothing items and bags nowadays.

Due to above facts, space exploration can be called the victory of the humanity.

However, some people suppose that more significant achievements were accomplished in the previous century. For example, television was very important invention that made possible to keep in touch with the whole world. People could easily learn more about new products from advertisements or political situation in the country, that is why television can be considered as the greatest attainment of the recent century.

Nevertheless, I must admit that television translation is inaccessible without satellite. As I have mentioned before, different discoveries have been gained from space exploration. Only after countless space voyages people were able to create it, therefore space exploration was the greatest achievement of the twentieth century.

Taking everything into account, I strongly insist that space exploration was the biggest success of the science.


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