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Space exploration was the most wonderful achievement of the 20th century (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the modern world the issue of space exploration is highly debatable. Many people think that the greatest accomplishment of the 20th century was space research but others have the opposing opinion.

Personally, I strongly believe that exploration of space was the most wonderful achievement of the 20th century. Firstly, space realization has given to humanity a new sphere in the development of science. For example, scientists gained the opportunity to study other planets and they could suppose that there is life on that planets. Secondly, space exploration contributed to the emergence of new professions which are popular in our days. For instance, there were such professions as cosmonaut, spacecraft engineer, space scientist and other.

However, there are some people who think that space realization was not the most awesome achievement of the 20th century. In that time there were other attainments, for example, the Internet. Nowadays the role of the Internet is unbelievable because people study, work, and relax with it.

Nevertheless, I disagree with the opposing opinion. Exploration of space has played greater role in the 20th century than the Internet. Space is endless and people used its resources for different purposes. For instance, in space people have found the substances for important discoveries.

In conclusion, despite different opinions on this question, I would like to state again that due to appearance of new professions and new sphere of science space research was the most fantastic accomplishment of the 20th century.


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