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“When choosing a career, most young people would prefer a high salary to job satisfaction.” (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays choosing a career is an important step in life’s youth. Some people think that when youth choose a future profession they prefer job where they will receive a large salary. Other people believe that teenagers choose a career, which bring a pleasant.

In my opinion, nowadays when youth choose future career they prefer to choose job for pleasant. Firstly, youth understand that nowadays money is not main part of life, more important to be glad and to get pleasure from what you do even if does not give a big salary. High salary does not give a sense of happiness from work if you do not like your job. Secondly, for teenagers more necessary to improve their skills in what they are interested. Work that give pleasant, give more opportunity in life. For example, people like arts and have good skills, they take part in arts’ exhibitions and have opportunity to travel in countries, where exhibitions are coming, to meet famous people.

It is more important for youth.

Other people disagree. They think that for youth more important to have a high salary than receive a pleasant from work. People think that when youth earn a big salary they have more opportunity because they can buy what they want. Money can give more freedom than pleasant from work.

I disagree with this opinion. When people do what they like can receive more big salary than if they only worked for a higher salary.

Despite the fact that many people think that youth prefer a high salary to job for pleasant I believe that youth prefer job satisfaction. It can give more opportunity in life.


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