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When will the gender game end? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

“Girls are always gossiping”,

“Boys are rude and aggressive”,

“Girls love fashion and shopping”.

How often have we heard these comments in our culture? Most people recognize that gender-based stereotypes are unfair. Unfortunately, many still make assumptions based on gender.

I can reliably report that gender-based stereotypes are untrue.

It is believed that all the girls are kind and considerate. Usually parents raise girls that they had to be “perfect” lady. “Perfect” lady for girls is a woman who takes care of babies, wears pink dresses and had to be kind, considerate and careful. In this way, since birth gender stereotypes influence the brain’s visual system of the child. The girls seek to be an ideal imposed by parents so most of the girls are really kind and considerate. Nonetheless why boy can be kind or why girl can be rude? Personal qualities do not depend on gender!

Moreover, it is concerned that all the boys love sports and gadgets.

It should be noted that many boys like to play music, write poetry or paint.

It is normal. Besides many girls love sport and they are successful in different types of sports. As far as I am concerned everyone can express oneself in what he likes and it is not important who you are: girl or boy.


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