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Job has no gender / A pupil cannot study without a teacher (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the modern world, there are a lot of jobs for both males and females. However, some people think that careers are divided into the ones only for men or women, while others disagree.

In my opinion, jobs do not depend on gender. First of all, nowadays all of us have equal opportunities to get a proper education. In the past, women were deprived of going to school or attending the university, they could only sit at home. Secondly, more companies recruit women as full-time workers, because conditions for recruitment are the same for all candidates.

However, there is another point of view. Some people claim that men are stronger and more intelligent than women, so there should be a division by gender in getting a profession.

Nevertheless, I disagree with such an opinion.

The suggestion that men are somehow better for different jobs is not proved by scientists. Therefore, it is false that males have more strength and are more clever than females. There are no gender-specific professions.

In conclusion, I would like to say that jobs should not be divided into the ones proper only for men or women. This theory is no longer suitable for our world for several reasons I listed above.

In the modern world, education is claimed to be a necessary thing. However, there are several opinions about whether the teacher is needed for a pupil or not. Some people claim that he is necessary, while others disagree.

In my opinion, most children need teachers to control them at least in the beginning of studying any subject, even if they do not go to school. First of all, because it is difficult for them to keep an attention for a long time without being distracted. Secondly, because they need to learn how to manage their time effectively, and parents are mostly too busy to teach them how to do that.

However, there is another point of view. Some people think that if a child is self-disciplined enough, he can study all by himself.

Nevertheless, I can not agree with such an opinion. I am sure that even the most hard-working and self-motivated child will have some difficulties while studying alone. Sometimes only a specially trained person can help, not parents, that are often quite unskilled and busy, even if they are willing to make the process of learning easier for a pupil.

In conclusion I would like to say that though some people claim that a pupil can study without a teacher, I think that having a model whom you can copy is still a more reliable and trustworthy way of studying.


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