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There is no point in saving endangered languages. However, some people believe cultures die as soon as languages disappear. Discuss both points and express your opinion (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays a lot of people discuss the problem of endangered, or minority, languages. Some of them believe that we should keep them alive. The others cannot find any reasons of for saving endangered languages.

On the one hand, it is necessary to protect endangered languages, because with them we can lose the cultural background of the nation which speaks this language. The local language identifies the national personality, tells about the unique history - it is the very thing that distinguishes the nation from the others.

Furthermore, we should give children an opportunity to keep touch with their roots.

But on the other hand, existence of local languages slows the process of globalization. Certainly, it is more profitable to learn national or world language. That is why governments do not support the saving of minority languages. They want nations to unite and people to communicate without problems. Most organizations move in the direction of overcoming the language barrier. So, the process of language extinction can be supposed as natural, we cannot stop it.

Personally, I believe that everybody have an opportunity to speak and work their national language, be provided with high-quality education n it in order to feel mentally attached to their roots. From my point of view, the knowledge of more than one language broadens our mind, as such people, who are bilingual, easily switch between the languages.

To sum it up, I would like to point out that the extinction of local languages may be crucial for modern society. Despite learning foreign languages, we must not forget about our origin.


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