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Some students suppose that it is better to attend university in or near their hometown. Others think that it is better to attend a university somewhere abroad. Discuss both views and express your opinion (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Needless to say, that entering university is the next significant stage of human development and overall personality formation after studying at school and family life. This essay will discuss whether it is more beneficial to get a higher degree in a student’s vicinity or somewhere abroad and suggest that the latter one is better.

Though getting higher education in a foreign country may sound ridiculous it is a real gamechanger. Primarily, given that studying abroad happens far away from home, rather expensive and in an unfamiliar environment, a student feels significantly more determined and unstoppable to win the college – there is no room for error.

For instance, my girlfriend Marie moved to the USA to attend Harvard University – there was no family support but exactly missing it she did so much to justify her powers. Secondly, a student gets a unique experience, the whole science of living independently by doing washing, cooking and learning only by his/her own pace and responsibility. That is why most

ussian billionaires send their children abroad, because it teaches them to rely solely on themselves and make the right decisions, later it serves them to preserve and to develop built empires – such skills as resilience, power to grow from failure are necessary to have remarkable life and create your legacy.

However, there is another group of people, believing that attending a local university is the only suitable decision. They say that staying at home helps a student to release all his/her potential since loved ones and close friends are always in touch ready to support and help. Thus, I would not be able to recover from up-and-coming depression related to all-nighters if my loved ones did not help me.

esides, being detached from familiar surroundings and cultural insights a student is at the risk to fall victim to dubious extremist organizations or becoming influenced by people out of the blue what will spoil getting an education. For instance, Paul Erick, my penfriend, was forced to move back home because he was afraid of learning in Istanbulencountering since daily Paul was encountering numerous strange people urging him to get into certain organizations.

In brief, though some people advocate for conventional choice – to attend the local university, the way of studying abroad has much more perspectives and upsides. That is why an entrant, looking for the most appealing options should take mentioned facts into the account


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