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Some people think that learning foreign languages (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays many people claim that learning foreign languages is necessary for all of us. However, there are those who think that it is just a waste of time and money.

In my opinion, there are various advantages to learning new language. Firstly, a person with acquiring foreign language skills can make a successful career much easier. It is so because numerous employers require knowledge of another language nowadays. Secondly, the ability of speaking foreign language is good for travelling. If you want to go to another country, knowledge of its native language will be very useful as you will be able to communicate freely with the foreign citizens. Lastly, perceiving foreign language is a chance to make intellectual and cultural horizons wider.

When we learn another language, we also discover new things about another country, its culture, traditions and historical facts.

Nevertheless, the opponents of this view argue that acquiring foreign languages is useless. They say that there is no need to know another language in our everyday life. For example, people from Russia speak only Russian language and do not face with other languages.

Despite this, I disagree. I think that people may need knowledge of foreign language at any unpredictable situation. That is because of growing international contacts with foreign countries.

In conclusion, even though there is a view that there is no any positive aspects to learning foreign languages, I am firmly convinced that knowledge of other languages is very important in the modern world.


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