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Social media ineraction is important for modern teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In our modern world people, especially teenagers, cannot imagine their lives without social media. Some people claim that social media is a waste of time, whereas orhers are in favour of the idea that social media ineraction is essential for teenagers. In this essay I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

As far as I am concerned, interaction in social media is a vital and fantastic way to spend free time. To begin with, social media is a platform to meet new people and make friends because plenty of youngsters do not meet people outside. More than that, social media is an incredible place for crearivity. Teenagers can share their drawings, novels, photos, music and so on. In my personal opinion, all people need to express themselves in different ways.

Young people recieve support, motivation, and inspiration to continue their art. To my mind, it is very valuable for teenagers to recieve recognition

On the orher hand, some people believe that social ineraction can be terrible for modern teenagers. Youngsters spend plenty of time in social media for nothing. More than that, certain teenagers can become antisocial, depressed, anxious and put themselves in. This is why some people claim that social media sometimes can be dangerous for young generation.

I totally disagree with the above-mentioned opinion. I strongly believe that social media is really crusial for modern teenagers. It helps to find themselves, shares wonderfull art and thoughts, meets new interesting people, learns new information.

To sum up, I would like to say that social media ineraction is really vital for youngsters.


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