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What makes life different from cinema is the problem over which Likhodeev reflects. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

What makes life different from cinema is the problem over which Likhodeev reflects.

Reflecting on the art of cinema and about the real reality, the author comes to the conclusion that according to the script one can put pictures, but even the best film can not survive in life. L.Likhodeyev explains this by saying that "in life a person is not so lucky as in a comedy film". In the film, when something goes wrong, you can make another double and not one, but in reality a person does not have such a chance.

According to the author, life and cinema are not the same thing, because in reality there are no takes and do not always triumph.

I fully agree with the opinion of the author.

You can not bring your own life to the standards of cinema: you can not only do stupid things, copying the life of your favorite movie heroes, but also be disappointed in reality.

On the Internet I got acquainted with the results of a sociological poll on the topic "Can I live copying my favorite movie heroes?" I was amazed that a lot of my contemporaries answered this question in the affirmative and gave examples that, copying the life of the heroine of the Cinderella film, they also "jumped out" "Successfully marry the oligarch. Do not really believe in the sincerity of these young "oligarchs" ...

But the words of the heroine of the book "Headache" by Katya Belova, I literally crashed into the memory: "I do not want to look like a mother to the rich people who are crying and crying next to her ...". Here it is, the mature point of view of my contemporary on the attitude towards cinema, which can not be used to imitate in life.

Thus, I can conclude that life and cinema are not the same thing.On the Internet I got acquainted with the results of a sociological poll on the topic "Can I live copying my favorite movie heroes?" I was amazed that a lot of my contemporaries answered this question in the affirmative and gave examples that, copying the life of the heroine of the Cinderella film, they also "jumped out" "Successfully marry the oligarch. Do not really believe in the sincerity of these young "oligarchs" ...


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