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Today, whether to be honest today is the problem over which F. Sokolova reflects. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Today, whether to be honest today is the problem over which F. Sokolova reflects.

The author writes with regret that relations in modern society are based on mutual benefit, and moral principles and foundations, to which honor relates, do not correspond to the current order of the world. To be kind, gentle and honest, therefore, to be "helpless white crows among hawks who have a strong grasp and business cunning."

Not everybody decides to be honest today, F. Sokolova believes. "Pride and cleanliness make a person honorable, " she assured. "But if you taste it, this honor often bitter."

It is difficult not to agree with the opinion of the author.

Indeed, today the concept of honor has lost its value in society.

So, having got acquainted on the Internet with the educational project "Take care of the honor from the youth", concluded: the concept of honor in modern civil law does not really exist. Streaks of tradition associated with the acquisition or preservation of honor are steadily dying. Society is constantly moving towards a state where it will consist entirely of people without honor. Here is the conclusion that struck me, the authors of this project did.

However, in life everything is not so bad. Nowadays the notion of honor is not completely forgotten. Let us recall, for example, the feat of a company of Pskov paratroopers who, at the cost of their own lives, were stopped by several thousands of angry bandit members. For these people, the honor of a soldier and commander was above all!

Thus, I can conclude that, unfortunately, today to be honest is not up-to-date, but, nevertheless, there are among us those for whom honor is not an empty phrase.So, having got acquainted on the Internet with the educational project "Take care of the honor from the youth", concluded: the concept of honor in modern civil law does not really exist. Streaks of tradition associated with the acquisition or preservation of honor are steadily dying. Society is constantly moving towards a state where it will consist entirely of people without honor. Here is the conclusion that struck me, the authors of this project did.

However, in life everything is not so bad. Nowadays the notion of honor is not completely forgotten. Let us recall, for example, the feat of a company of Pskov paratroopers who, at the cost of their own lives, were stopped by several thousands of angry bandit members. For these people, the honor of a soldier and commander was above all!

Thus, I can conclude that, unfortunately, today to be honest is not up-to-date, but, nevertheless, there are among us those for whom honor is not an empty phrase.


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