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How a person reacts to the theft or crime committed before his eyes is the problem over which FA Sokolova reflects. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

How a person reacts to the theft or crime committed before his eyes is the problem over which FA Sokolova reflects.

The author tells about a concrete case from the life of an orphanage, where the manager was "unclean by the hand, " and all the employees just closed their eyes to it, believing that it should be so. By their indifference, the children of the orphanage were pushing the storekeeper to new thefts, and only the young teacher, outraged by the act of the man stealing from the orphans, could stop the criminal.

The position of FA Sokolova is not difficult to determine: one can not be indifferent to the fact that someone steals, commits a crime, because our silence generates new thefts and offenses.

I fully share the author's point of view.

Our indifference, life on the principle of "My Hut with the Edge" - are the main reasons that the theft and crimes of the millennium live in human society. About this not once wrote classics, publicists.

A striking example of this can serve as a film by director James Wong "Confrontation, " where the protagonist, Peter Deal, having the opportunity to stop shoplifters, did not do so. A terrible punishment awaits Deal: a few minutes after the robbery criminals kill his uncle. And this is the part of the guilt of Peter Deal.

Fortunately, not all people are so indifferent. In one of the issues of the journal "Psychology" the results of the social survey "Are you going to pass the crime that is happening" were given? Eighty percent of respondents answered that they will not remain indifferent. And it pleases.

Thus, I can conclude that the reaction of a person to the evil committed in his eyes must be active.How a person reacts to the theft or crime committed before his eyes is the problem over which FA Sokolova reflects.

The author tells about a concrete case from the life of an orphanage, where the manager was "unclean by the hand, " and all the employees just closed their eyes to it, believing that it should be so. By their indifference, the children of the orphanage were pushing the storekeeper to new thefts, and only the young teacher, outraged by the act of the man stealing from the orphans, could stop the criminal.

The position of FA Sokolova is not difficult to determine: one can not be indifferent to the fact that someone steals, commits a crime, because our silence generates new thefts and offenses.

I fully share the author's point of view. Our indifference, life on the principle of "My Hut with the Edge" - are the main reasons that the theft and crimes of the millennium live in human society. About this not once wrote classics, publicists.

A striking example of this can serve as a film by director James Wong "Confrontation, " where the protagonist, Peter Deal, having the opportunity to stop shoplifters, did not do so. A terrible punishment awaits Deal: a few minutes after the robbery criminals kill his uncle. And this is the part of the guilt of Peter Deal.

Fortunately, not all people are so indifferent. In one of the issues of the journal "Psychology" the results of the social survey "Are you going to pass the crime that is happening" were given? Eighty percent of respondents answered that they will not remain indifferent. And it pleases.

Thus, I can conclude that the reaction of a person to the evil committed in his eyes must be active.


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