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What can an ordinary person do in extreme situations is the question over which Viktor Nekrasov reflects. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

What can an ordinary person do in extreme situations is the question over which Viktor Nekrasov reflects.

The author with respect and pride tells of the feat accomplished by a Soviet soldier who was wounded in a hospital. When the Germans broke through our defenses, all the wounded who could hold arms in their hands went to the defense of the front line. Senka alone, risking his life, got close to the bridge and blew up an enemy tank passing through it. Could a simple Siberian guy think that he is capable of such a heroic deed? Probably not.

Yes, he did not think about it.

The opinion of V.Nekrasov is easy to determine. Being in an extreme situation, a person is able to perform the most difficult tasks, which he would never have done in ordinary life.

It is difficult to disagree with the author's point of view. It often happens that in a difficult situation, people become dissimilar to themselves.

Thus, in the story of Alexei Borzenko "Easter" tells of the sergeant who suffered a terrible test: the Chechens who captured the soldier, crucified him on the cross. Already being nailed to the boards, the young man, despite the intolerable pain, was able to help his. Knowing that he was under the scrutiny of a sniper, he used his lips to convey important information to the other side. The sergeant was bleeding, but he could not help his. This is what an ordinary person is capable of, being in an extreme situation!

On the Internet I met a description of a unique case when a Japanese woman during an earthquake, in order to save her child, was able to pick up a truck ... Is this not an example of the fact that an ordinary person can do a lot.

Thus, I can conclude that in extreme situations a person can display his hidden potential and perform any tasks.Thus, in the story of Alexei Borzenko "Easter" tells of the sergeant who suffered a terrible test: the Chechens who captured the soldier, crucified him on the cross. Already being nailed to the boards, the young man, despite the intolerable pain, was able to help his. Knowing that he was under the scrutiny of a sniper, he used his lips to convey important information to the other side. The sergeant was bleeding, but he could not help his. This is what an ordinary person is capable of, being in an extreme situation!


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