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Without which the soul can not live - this is the question over which the psychologist E. Sikirich reflects. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Without which the soul can not live - this is the question over which the psychologist E. Sikirich reflects.

The author, telling an ancient legend about two wolves, personifying good and evil, tells us that even philosophers of the ancient world were very ill for the second wolf (kindness) and advised giving him "special food". The psychologist deciphers this "special food" as ten things, "without which ... the soul can not live, " and encourages us, young people, to recall these "ten things", "to return to them every day."

The author's opinion is not difficult to determine. E. Sikirich is sure: the soul can not live without a craving for knowledge or skill, without the need for true love, true friendship and in the present, cherished dream ...

The opinion of the psychologist can not be disagreed.

Without the soul of these moral needs, she would perish, and the first wolf would prevail over man, thereby destroying him.

A vivid example is the fate of the artist Chartkov from the novel "Portrait" by Nikolai Gogol. Suddenly getting rich, the hero loses the need for "beautiful". From a talented and dreamy artist, he turns into a mean and envious person. Chartkova's soul is gradually dying, and along with it the painter himself perishes in terrible agonies.

I remember the fate of the hero of the story of Anton Chekhov "Ionich", Dmitry Startsev. The death of his soul began with the fact that the young doctor was not sufficiently sensitive to people, irritable, inconsistent in his convictions, indifferent to the vulgarity surrounding him. As a result, the unspiritual life, to which Startsev deliberately condemned himself, deprived him of his ability to think and feel, love and dream.

Thus, I can confidently say that the soul exists only when it has a need for "the beautiful": knowledge, love, mercy.A vivid example is the fate of the artist Chartkov from the novel "Portrait" by Nikolai Gogol. Suddenly getting rich, the hero loses the need for "beautiful". From a talented and dreamy artist, he turns into a mean and envious person. Chartkova's soul is gradually dying, and along with it the painter himself perishes in terrible agonies.


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