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37. Camping, online exams (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Dear Ted,

Thanks for your email. I was happy to hear from you again.

In your message you asked me about camp. Of course, there are a lot of summer youth camps in

ussia. There are health camps by the sea or a day camp for children to looking after and entertaining, while their parents are at work. Such places are very popular among children during the summer holidays, because kids can communicate with peers and make new friends. Every summer I go to summer camps, because it’s the best way to spend time without parents.

I think everyone should go to summer camp.

By the way, I want to ask you several questions. What is the university? What specialty did he enter? Where will he live?

Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.

Best wishes,


Dear Stella,

Thanks for your email. I was glad to hear from you again.

In your message you asked me several questions online exams. I’m not stressed out, but still in exams I try to keep calm by doing breathing exercises. Not at all, because sometimes students know material practically and they can’t explain it in the exams. I personally believe, that online exams easier to pass than real-life, because a person can peeps into the notebook entries, when he forgot the answer.

By the way, I want to ask you several questions about your purchase. What kind of gadgets did you buy? What is the price for everything? Have you been offered any discounts?

Well, I would better go now as I have to do my homework.

Best wishes,



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