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39 и 40. Some national parks have long waiting lists for camping reservations. When you have to wait a year to sleep next to a tree, something is wrong (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)





Dear Ben,

Thanks for your letter! Sorry for not being in touch for so long - I was very busy last month. It’s nice to hear that you’re OK.

In your letter you asked me if I know anything about listed american inventors. As I remember, Alexander Bell invented the telephone and Samuel Morze invented the Morze code which is used to communicate via radio despite language barriers. I’m afraid that’s all I can tell you.

By the way, it’s my turn to ask questions.

What do you know about Thomas Edison? When was Nikola Tesla born? What irreplaceable household things did Isaac Singer invent?

But I have to go now- it’s time for an evening walk with my dog. I hope to hear from you soon!



40. Some national parks have long waiting lists for camping reservations. When you have to wait a year to sleep next to a tree, something is wrong.

People who live in big cities often want to escape their gray urban reality so they go to national parks for a few days. The problem lies in long queues with booking months ahead.

ut is it worth it to wait so long to visit a place without the basic facilities we are used to? In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong in waiting to visit natural wonders of our planet. Firstly, living in nature is a refreshing experience that has many positive effects on us like physical and mental health improvement, bonding with friends and family. Secondly, parks just can not let in more people then they already have without hurting the environment. Waiting lists are a natural and fair solution to the problem.

However, some people say that it is easier to go hiking to an ordinary forest or mountains nearby. You do not have to wait for a year and can choose a date that fits perfectly for you.

I cannot agree with this opinion because national parks are far more convenient and safe- they provide special camping places, services like medical insurance, guides and security.

To sum up, the issue of long waiting lists for camping reservations is still open to discussion but I believe long queues there exist for a reason. Many people want to visit the most interesting natural sights while being protected by park services. As a proverb says, “better safe than sorry”.


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