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English is amazing (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

How to say wise person “Life is beautiful”. For each person life how is invaluable wealth which use how think.

In my view of opinion life is kind of magic world. But if you have right direction, life is more beautiful than before. In short word, how the traveler need to have a compass as me necessary route to find out vocation in the worldwide. A lot of people consider that learning languages is hobby or concept moreover is meaning of life. As for me language is tool or key for opening doors. Why The Grant Young Compass I should get? My answer is simple. English for me is part of my life: all my action, consideration, sight to life are consist English.

For instance, before to say something I think, after to say on English what I do.

For reason why this Grant I should get is my character. They are known the studying languages are amazing, but hard work. Numerous people begin to learn after lost motivation and stop it.

As for me, I am industrious student. In addition to I am not lazy bone, I sit late at night because of I am really improve my English and enrich my vocabulary.

At the moment I am student of Tashkent Medical Academy. Grateful my character I achieve abundance target. In reality, I am active, curious, competitive, but not at all, I am adaptable, sociable, reliable, patient, friendly person.

In future I want to be a good doctor. All know this job are responsible, essential furthermore demand of me loads power, patience, goals. If I decide to do something I will tend to end. I do all the best for achieve to goals.

Last time I thought English is good way to set the scene for future job. It is mesmerizing when you can read foreign book particularly medical. At times I watch various English show, read medical books. It is cool.

Once upon a time if you speak language which your friend say, you understand their mind, but if you speak language which your friend get it to you, you understand your soul. Oher side language combine different peoples.

Probably language center will help not only me, but also many students for studying language.


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