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English with other languages (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that English today is the mostly spoken language in the whole world.

Some people believe that it should be the only language taught at school but others claim that we need other foreign languages beside English.

In my opinion, learning foreign languages develops us and broadens our horizons. To begin with, more than ninety percent of the world population is not English speaking. Furthermore, people who know several languages tend to get highly-paid jobs. For instance, English, Chinese and Japanese languages are likely to gain popularity. And finally, they can move abroad and live there without having any problems with communication and job search.

On the contrary, there are people who believe that English is the only language worth learning. Moreover, they are convinced that learning languages takes a long time and students should concentrate on one language.

I completely disagree with their point of view, because the more languages you know the more intelligent you are. Furthermore, with each new language, learning becomes easier and less time-consuming.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, learning languages is essential in modern life.

this can provide you with a successful career and a desirable job in your future life.

People learn foreign languages in order to ensure a calm and measured life in the future. And also to be confident in yourself and your capabilities. Often, the dream job is directly related to foreign languages, especially those that form the economic basis of society.


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