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Why I learning English (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Life is present of God. But this gift is not usually, particularly. In last time I notice that me action were gave attention to learning English. For instance, do something in house or buy food on shop, conservation with my family, surround people only English. It is unbelievable.

Bur before many people ask me why I learning English? Why I considerate only English? Why is not foreign

language? Four years old I casually watched You Tube video blogger is Marina Mogilko. I recalled she told about eight ways to improve English skills. I admire she. It is honestly I love English grateful for her and I want to be how she, because she speaks English free.

The next reason is loving English movie, magazines, newspapers, theatre, books, song and etc. One is kind of gorgeous singer is Adele.

I am significantly to understand what does she mean. Moreover, Anna Hathaway is considerable person for me, so she speaks English is sure, excellent. When I listened her speech I am cloud on nine, because she says each word that get it for me. At times a lot of people need to motivated. Maybe you heard speech prominent people, for example Bill Geyts or Ilon Mark. It is great. When you listen their you imagine your future of bright side, probably you get power, modest idea.

Once of vital reason why I learning English is set the scene for my bright future. Because of that to become a good doctor I should know not only medicine, but also foreign languages. Many updated treatment of different disease say English.

For this goal I hope I will be a strong doctor not only for my family, but also my Native land.

In conclusion I want to say 21 centauries is technology, but if you notice all instruction tells only English. I is good if people will study languages.


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