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From: Alan@mail.uk To: Russian_friend@sdamgia.ru Subject: Dear friend (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Dear Alan,

I was delighted to hear about your school concert and the fact that you overcame your shyness to speak on stage. You should be proud of yourself for taking that step.

As for me, I really enjoy participating in school concerts and sports competitions. I find it exciting to push myself out of my comfort zone and try new things. I’ve participated in a number of events, including a school play and a track and field competition.

In terms of character traits, I would like to work on being more patient. I tend to get frustrated easily when things don’t go as planned. I think developing more patience would help me handle difficult situations better.

Keep up the good work and feel free to share more about your experiences.


Your Name

Dear Alan,

I was glad to hear that you participated in your school concert and overcame your shyness.

I can understand your feelings as I’m a bit shy too. However, I believe that participating in such events is a great way to gain confidence and show your talents. I’ve participated in a few school concerts and sports competitions myself. I love playing basketball and have taken part in inter-school basketball competitions in the past.

egarding the character trait I’d like to change, I’d say it’s my impatience. I tend to get frustrated easily and lose my temper when things don’t go as planned.

ut I’m working on it and trying to be more patient and understanding.

What about you? Is there any particular trait you’d like to change?

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.

est regards,

Your Name

Dear Alan,

It's great to hear from you! Congratulations on your achievement! It takes a lot of courage to do something you're afraid of. I can relate to that feeling, as I sometimes feel shy too.

ut, I believe that participating in school concerts or sports competitions allows us to challenge ourselves and build our confidence.

I have taken part in several events such as debates, poetry recitals, and sports competitions. While some experiences were nerve-wracking, they taught me important lessons and gave me memories that I cherish.

If I had to change one character trait, I'd like to be more patient. Sometimes, I get frustrated quickly when things don't go my way. I'm working on it, though.

What about you, Alan? Which event holds a special place in your heart, and what character trait would you like to improve?

Take care,

Your name


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