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From: Ben@mail.uk To: Russian_friend@sdamgia.ru Subject: Future (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)



It was great to hear from you again. I agree with you that news should be fresh and not repeat what everybody already knows. To answer your questions, I get to know about what's happening in the world through various news channels and social media platforms.

As for my future career, I aspire to become a scientist in the field of biotechnology. English is definitely necessary for me as it is the primary language used in most scientific publications.

It's cool that you want to become a reporter and I believe you will do great. It's wonderful to have a career that you're passionate about. I look forward to hearing more about your journey.

Take care and keep writing!

est regards,

Your Name



Thank you for your message.

I completely agree with you about the importance of fresh and interesting news. I usually read online newspapers and watch news channels to keep up with what’s happening in the world.

egarding your question about my future career, I am still exploring different possibilities. However, I believe that English will be essential in any profession I choose, whether it’s in business, science or communication. In today's globalized world, being able to speak English fluently can greatly increase one's career opportunities.

What about you? Have you decided on your future career? Do you think that English will be important for your chosen profession?

Looking forward to hearing from you again!

est regards,

Your Name



Thank you so much for your email. It's always great to hear from you!

To answer your questions, I usually get my news from online sources like news websites and social media. I also sometimes watch the news on TV. As for what I want to be in the future, I am still exploring different options, but I am currently interested in becoming a language teacher or translator. I definitely think that English will be necessary for my future career because it's such a widely spoken language.

What about you? Have you considered what you want to be in the future? And do you think you will need English in your future career? I would love to hear your thoughts!

Take care and stay in touch.

est regards,

Your Name


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