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39. Message from your English-speaking pen-friend Tom. Subject: Theatre / 40.1 Project on what is important to get a job in Zetland (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

39. Hello Tom,

Thanks for your email. It`s great to hear from you again.

In your message you asked me some questions. Well, I go to the theater very often. The last time I was there was a week ago. There are more than 5 theaters in our city, so I have places to go. In

ussia, a lot of people go to the theater. I even know a man who goes to the theater every day! So theatrical art in

ussia is very popular.

You also wrote about the basketball club.

What is it called? Is it a popular place? Is this club free of charge?

That`s all for now. Sorry, I need to do my homework.

Keep in touch.

Best wishes,


40. 1. People have certain qualities that will help them in their work. I finished work on an important project in order to understand exactly what qualities people will need in their work. I have found some useful statistics for my project in the form of a table, to help give my opinion on the subject.

The information in the table shows the popularity of each possible activity. While objective self-assessment is the most popular, an optimistic attitude is the least. A carefully written CV ranks just below object self-assessment and roughly a third either choose an active and ambitious nature or communication skills.

The table shows the difference between each quality of a person. The data also show that objective self-assessment is more popular than an optimistic attitude, having 34% popularity rating, against one of only 5%. A carefully written CV barely eclipses objective self-assessment, which 26% of popularity express a preference for.

The statistics point to an underlying problem. The man puts his career first. People are turning into robots. This problem can be solved by reducing working hours so that people have time to communicate with each other.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I hope that people will pay more attention to skills such as communication and developing their attention. This will be useful to some people not only in work, but also in their personal lives.


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