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Business is an exciting game in which maximum excitement is combined with a minimum of rules (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is certainly true that business can be an exciting and dynamic field, with the potential for innovation, creativity, and success. Many people are attracted to the world of business due to the thrill of competition and the potential for financial gain.

However, it is important to recognize that business is also subject to a number of rules and regulations, both at the national and international level. These rules and regulations serve to protect consumers, ensure fair competition, and promote ethical business practices. Without these rules and regulations, businesses may be tempted to engage in unethical or predatory practices, which can harm consumers and undermine the integrity of the market.

Furthermore, business is not just about competition and financial gain. It is also about providing value to customers, building relationships, and contributing to the greater good.

usinesses that are driven solely by profit may be more likely to engage in unethical practices, such as cutting corners or exploiting employees, in order to maximize their profits.

On the other hand, businesses that prioritize ethics, transparency, and customer satisfaction are more likely to build trust and long-term success.

In conclusion, while it is true that business can be an exciting game with the potential for innovation and success, it is also subject to a number of rules and regulations that serve to protect consumers and promote ethical practices.

Businesses that prioritize ethics, transparency, and customer satisfaction are more likely to build trust and long-term success.


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