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Why do you think it is important to have school rules? What do students learn from them and how could the rules in your school be improved? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

I think, that every school must have adequate rules. It is important to keep students focused on studying by having dress code and other normal rules. Sometimes simple regulations can make teachers and children more organized.

Almost every school has a dress code, usually girls wear black skirt or trousers and white blouse, boys wear black trousers and white shorts, so all students look similar and don’t compare their clothes with other’s. Children must understand, that school is an official place, where they need to be concentrated.

All the students must sit on their places after the school bell. Lesson stars, when the school bell rings, so it helps pupil to understand what they have to do. They don’t need to control their time all the day, because the bell would help them to control it.

This type of signal makes students focused on a lesson. It’s like a task for their brain to prepare for a work.

aising a hand is the most common school rule, every school has it. When students want to answer the teacher’s question or ask something, they don’t have to shout loudly, they need to raise their hand, so the teacher would listen to them.

Raising hand helps to keep a calm atmosphere in classes, so no one is shouting and teacher can listen to every student.

I think, that having school rules is very important, it shows students how do they need to behave.

Rules should help students to socialize and behave appropriately.

Rules form the character and behavior of the child, so they must be comfortable.


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