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Environmental problems. The problem of plastic waste (Экологические проблемы. Проблема пластиковых отходов) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Global warming, environmental pollution, destruction of the ozone layer, deforestation and land degradation are the things that immediately come to mind when we think about environmental problems. According to scientific statistics, modern people have now begun to use the planet's resources 75 percent faster than ecosystems are being restored. This creates a threat of destruction of our entire planet along with the development of industry and industrial society, and as a consequence of mass consumption, which leads to excessive waste generation, including plastic.

The problem of plastic waste is very acute all over the world these days.

Unfortunately, disappointing statistics show that in the last 10 years we have produced more plastic than in the entire last century. Plastic is an artificially created material consisting of polymers.

ecently, evidence of the destructive impact of this material on the environment has been regularly appearing. Its main danger is that it breaks down into small particles, penetrates into the habitat and food chains, completely destroying ecosystems.

To avoid catastrophic consequences, we can resort to several ways that will help reduce the problems of plastic pollution. First, let's start with the fact that in order to really change the situation, it is necessary to raise awareness of the population about their impact on nature through formal education in educational organizations. Secondly, it is very important to regulate the production of plastic and at the same time significantly reduce its consumption. In addition, all people should definitely think about improving the system of garbage collection and waste disposal. This concept can be implemented by sorting garbage and reusing waste as a raw material or energy source.

All these solutions listed above will definitely help save the planet for our descendants. All people should just push a little harder and then the situation will change for the better. Let's take care of nature, and it will delight us with its riches.


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