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Plastic surgery helps people to be attractive and happy (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays it is popular to have plastic surgery. Let us examine each of these points in dettail. Some person think that is silliness and deteriotes health. While others believe that it helps adults be attractive and happy. So, who is right and who is wrong?

My personal view is that plactic operation pleases people a few days. More young person think that these operations can get rid of fat on the bell, legs and others.

ut it is not so. It will return until you are not charge your habits. There are also known causes when after successful plastic surgery career of an actress went to the bottom. It should be mentioned that the main character of the film "Dirty Dancing" is Francis Houseman. She made operation in nose. Whereupon, filmakers did not invite her to theirs films.

Her career was destroyed because of operation.

On the contary, there are people who believe that plastic surgery helps adults to be attractive and joyous. I partly agree with this statement. One of the advantages of that it helps get caution of opposite sex.

ut sometimes operation is necessary.

y way the illustration, if the nose was broken in fight. If person will not do operated, he can die one day or will live incomplete life.

There would seem to be clear pros and cons to plastic surgery. Neverthless, let us consider this problem from another angle. I imagine that any plastic surgery on the body to make people successful and cheerful only in the first few days. Nevertheless, this people regret about it. I daresay that if woman has high seif-assesment, she always will have attention other people.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that tastes differ. Althrough there are different points of view, I tend to think that people should not make charge anything in their appearance with plastic surgery. It is bad influance in descendants.


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