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Environmental problems and how to solve them (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Every year our environment is getting worse. People consume more and more every year without a second thought about how much time it takes to restore resources. They pollute air and water, cut down trees. Our planet suffers from lack of its natural resources and fossil fuels. But what can we do to save out planet?

Firstly, steps must be taken to plant more trees in parks. Also, it would be a good idea to to stop deforestation in certain regions by putting heavy fines on those who are engaged in illegal sawmilling. If this were done, animals and birds would not lose their natural habitats.

Secondly, a useful suggestion would be to use alternative forms of energy (solar power, wind turbines or hydroelectric).

The result of this would be that natural resources would not come to an end. In addition, it can help to improve the economy in the country.

Thirdly, endangered species are one of the biggest environmental problem. Most of them became extinct because of illegal hunting for food, fur, feathers. We can solve that problem by making a contribution to one of the many wildlife conservation funds that are working to protect certain species. Also, we can inform people about the consequences of poaching through leaflets or advertising.

Furthermore, efforts should be made to deal with the problem of air pollution. We can use bikes instead of cars, public transport or unleaded petrol. This way we can reduce air pollution at least in the city center. Additionally, one of the effective ways of solving this problem ban outdoor smoking. Therefore, the percentage of harmful gases in the air will decrease significantly.

Finally, we should always remember about recycling. The arrangement of recycling containers will encourage people to recycle waste and garbage. As a consequence, people could make new products made of recycled materials.

To sum up, there are many ways to help and improve our global environment. Il we started doing some of this actions, we would make our planet a better place to live for everyone.

emember when L. Ron Hubbard said: "A person is either the effect of his environment or is able to have an effect upon his environment".


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