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39. Message from your English-speaking pen-friend George. Subject: Virtual sightseeing / 40.1 Project on what volunteer activities are popular among teenagers in Zetland (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

39. Hello George,

Thanks for your e-mail. It`s glad to hear from you again.

In your message you asked me some questions. Well, I think virtual tours are a very important thing. You can travel without even leaving home! Unfortunately, this is not popular among teenagers in Russia, because they don't tell us about it.

In the field of art and entertainment, digital technologies open up unlimited opportunities for gaming, buying and reading books, listening to music and watching Full HD videos online, on streaming services. This is an important role in the life of society.

You almost writing about your brother, who won a chess contest. How many people were there? Where it was? Was it a university competition?

That`s all for now. Sorry? I need to do my homework.

Keep in touch.

Best wishes,


40.1. People need to work as a volunteer. It will be great for our society. I am doing an important project to understand what volunteer activities are popular among teenagers in Zetland. I have found some useful statistics for my project in the form of a table, to help give my opinion on the subject.

The information in the table shows the popularity of each position. While working in animal shelters is the most popular, picking up rubbish is the least. Working in shelters for the homeless ranks just below working in animal shelters and roughly a third either choose helping elderly people or planting new trees.

The statistics point to an underlying problem. Young people do not want be a volunteer. I think, elderly people need more attention than animals.

ut we do not have many volunteers. Without their help we will have a bad society. This problem can be solved. Government needs to do some lessons and teach teenagers what being a volunteer is better than sitting at home. Teens need to see: some person need help and only volunteer can help him.

In conclusion, I want to say what I believe that young people will be more kind, if they go to the volunteer teem. It will be great.


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