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My behavior and my attitude (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

I believe that my behavior and attitude were influenced by the following factors (in ascending order):

1) My friends and social life, the things you do in your free time.

2) My family environment in early life.

2) Higher education: college, university, teachers, colleagues, the subjects my studied.

3) My family environment in early life.

4) Primary ar secondary school, teachers, and what I learnt.

5) Nature: my genes or DNA, the characteristics my Inherited from parents and were born with, me emotional and physical make-up.

One of the most valuable things in life is friendship. It is extremely important for people to have someone they can trust.

Friends, comrades, all those with whom you spend the most time, influenced the development.

For me, friendship is not only communication, but also support, understanding and sympathy. Sometimes we go to the movies, sometimes to the theater or to the Museum. For me, they are part of my family. I trust them completely and know that they will do anything for me

My family has also had a very big influence on me .

Family is all people who care about you, put all their best qualities in you, so that a person becomes cultured and educated, and passes on their experience.

Throughout the entire time, the individual participates in the process of socialization, accumulates their experience and knowledge..

However, I believe that a person changes over the course of their life, which gives them the opportunity to grow.I always love them.


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