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Do you think climate affects people’s personality and mood? Opinion Essay (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Does climate actually affect people’s personality and mood? I believe that it definitely does.

Firstly, according to recent research, there is a connection between enjoying a balmy hometown temperature in childhood and being more agreeable and extraverted as an adult, and vice versa for people who grew up in colder and more severe climate. Even though the research has been conducted in two very different countries – the USA and China, - the results show similar correlations.

Another major reason is people’s mental health response to climate change, particularly global warming. To quote

rad nushman, a social psychologist at Ohio State University, "As climate change makes temperatures more extreme, people should become less sociable. " His own research predicts that global warming will increase crime, on the theory that living at lower temperatures, with more seasonal variation, requires groups to focus on the future and exercise more self-control, which in turn inhibits aggression and violence.

Opponents of this view say that climate does not have an imprint on our character.

To quote Evert Van de Vliert, a cross-cultural psychologist at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, the recent findings do not suggest that climate is the sole factor that shapes a person’s identity. However, I think this point is invalid because while it may not be a sole factor, it can be considered a major factor to affect people’s character. Furthermore, even some illnesses and disorders are affected by the weather, like, for instance, seasonal affective disorder, or SAD – the name speaks for itself: the mental health of a person with this disorder suffers greatly depending on the time of year. The main reason for the development of SAD is lack of sunlight in winter, which enhances hibernation-like symptoms like asocial behavior, lethargy, depression and disturbance of daily regime.

Considering all this, I strongly believe that, indeed, climate affects people’s personality and mood. Moreover, this opinion is backed up by scientific research.


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