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Задание 40. Opinion essay. The clothes people wear influence their behavior. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The clothes people wear influence their behavior.

Some people might argue that behavior is dependent on clothes that people wear. Others believe that it is not true and people's vesture can not influence the way they behave. Whose point of view is right?

As far as I am concerned, I agree that clothes affect people's behavior profoundly. First of all, it is necessary to note that modern community assigns clothes a role is bigger than only for keeping temperature or staying clean.

Today's meaning of clothes is the indicator of the social status of a person, good financial position and success. These factors are very important for people's self-confidence, and, of course, its impact on their behavior. Moreover, the clothes people wear affect not only wearers, but their surroundings too. Phycological fact is that people more respect those who are dressed in business style clothes, because they consider them more successful subconsciously.

Nevertheless, some people disagree with this opinion. They maintain the idea that it does not matter what is worn, because it can not change anything in person's life. Most often these people are the opponents of the uniform. They do not like the need to go to work or study in special clothes. Futhermore, they are sure that this interferes with the efficience of their work.

However, I can not share this point of view. I think that uniform is significantly works upon the organization of discipline in the workplace. Besides, employees look like a team when they wear clothes in a similar style.

All in all, it is important to mention that the clothes people wear influence their behavior, thus ones need to think about what and how to wear.


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