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Homeschooling is the best option for determined students (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The heated debate about homeschooling and its suitability for pupils has long been going on for years. Some people believe that home learning suits everyone while others suppose that studying at home is appropriate for purposeful students.

Personally I belong to those people who think that homeschooling is a great opportunity to study for motivated students. To begin with, determined pupils know what they are going to do in the future. So, they do not have to study all the compulsory subjects that students must learn at school. Secondly, motivated and goal oriented pupils should not be forced to study because they want to learn by themselves. Homeschooling gives them an opportunity to combine learning compulsory subjects and optional disciplines that they are interested in.

Opponents of this view argue that studying at home is suitable for everyone.

Their argument is that homeschooling allows students to save time on the way to school and have more time to relax. Therefore, they will concentrate on their studies and do them more effectively.

I do not think that they are right as the majority of pupils are not motivated enough to study from home. Only well-organized people are able to learn school material productively in a home environment as there are a lot of distracting factors there.

In conclusion, all the views taken together I still stick to the point that learning from home is suitable for determined students because they are goal-oriented by nature and motivated to study without pressure. Also, homeschooling gives purposeful pupils to study subjects that they need in future.

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