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Some students think that the most important thing for a teacher is to make studying enjoyable for students 837 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some students think that the most important thing for a teacher is to make studying enjoyable for students.

y and large, many pupils tend to believe that the most essential character trait for a teacher is to create such a way of tutoring that will bring satisfaction and fun into educational process for students. However, a big number of teachers do not fully agree with the statement above or even cannot see the sense in it.

To my mind it is better to take into account students’ preferences since from the psychological point of view everyone including teenagers with their sometimes immature mindset is likely to look for parental identity who will take invisible control over them. Adding to it, on condition that a teacher uses forced technics of tutoring, there will be a small chance of students’ interest in the whole subject. Moreover, as an effect of compulsive academics a teenager will possibly have a sort of disgust and loathing when mentioning an unpleasant subject.

Nevertheless many professional educators consider this way of learning far more vital in its efficiency and demands due to systematic revision of the material and speeding up the studying curriculum.

In addition, if a ‘severe’ educator was generous on praise, then his students would not have outstanding results in their academics.

Personally I cannot fully agree with the teachers’ way of learning as it is based on negative emotions, fears for pupils which will influence their outlook destructively. More than that, students have a chance or becoming perfectionists, focusing only on results and appreciation from the society but not on personal fulfillment.

All in all, to a greater extend it is better to stick to students’ preference in the vision of an ideal teacher due to possible loath to hated subject and unconscious seeking of mentor, even though many teachers with high requirements have a significant percentage in students marvelous achievements.


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