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Global worming is the biggest treat to the environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people believe that global worming is the most terrible menace to the environment, while others disagree saying that there are even more dreadful dangers our World is facing today.

It seems to me that global worming is not exactly the worst thing happening with the ecology nowadays. First of all, there are different types of pollution – air, water, soil, radioactive, and each of them significantly reduces the quality of life day by day, which is more noticeable than the damage from global worming. Secondly, the overconsumption of the resources and the creation of plastics is causing a global crisis of waste disposal. Nuclear wastes have tremendous health hazards, and plastic wastes threaten the humans’ and animals’ welfare as well.

Nevertheless, some people have an opposite standpoint. They claim that global warming leads to rising temperatures of the oceans and the Earth surface, causing natural disasters like flooding, melting of polar ice caps and even drought.

Therefore, this is the biggest danger to the environment.

Actually, I do not agree with this opinion. Global warming is mostly natural process, which is just accelerated by emission of greenhouse gases. However, different pollutions and wastes have never been as huge as we have today because of quick industrial development.

In conclusion, despite there are many opinions on this issue, I still believe that there are more tremendous hazards to the environment than global worming.


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