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Globalisation stimulates development of working in global team. Discuss advantages and disadvantages (Школьные сочинения)

Needless to say, that recent decades globalisation has enhanced the effectiveness of work and improved outcomes for numerous companies due to the creating of really multinational teams. This essay will suggest that the primary plus of such a concept is the opportunity to achieve synergy followed by a discussion of negative aspects of that experience.

There are certain benefits each business or organization can extract by supporting a variety of cultures inside the working group. Firstly, the presence of people with a unique background, the opposite point of view, since they belong to different cultures, will multiply the results of the team.

Thus, given that each nation possesses its own perks and traditional skills, it will help a group to come up with extraordinary solutions to overtake rivals. Secondly, having employees from all over the world significantly increases the chances that developed products will succeed in his/her homeland due to knowledge of customs and useful connections. For instance, Ford managed to escape the failure in sales in India because a member of the marketing team, who originally came from India, suggested changing the car name that was an insult in the Indian language.

However, even building a global team is related to have some downsides. The first issue is the difficulty to establish rapport with each member of the team to become more productive, given that interaction happens with an indirectly as well as a directly communicating person. The time spent on the process of adaptability and getting acquainted with colleagues may cost many missed deadlines. Secondly, distinctions in the national identities of workers are the main cause of conflicts and postponed projects. For instance, the company of Jordan

elfort could even cease to exist and go out of business, since nothing was functioning and giving money during FBI investigation because his truly multinational team was quarrelling what attitude has for that from a cultural point of view of each member at the same time being distracted from the main mission - work.

In brief, functioning in a multinational group simultaneously assumes pros - better results due to stronger relationships and various background of people and cons - sudden occasions based on unfamiliar values, preventing the team from resultive work.


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