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Expand on possible disadvantages of globalisation (Школьные сочинения)

To begin with, since the introduction of the concept of globalization many economists and policymakers have been praising mostly positive sides of than phenomenon, but there are also negative aspects, aggravating day after day as human society develops. It’s impossible to keep silent anymore and in today talk I suppose to pitch the main downsides of globalisation very accurately.

The biggest and the first problem in our list is that jobs in developed states are lost and transferred to lower-cost countries. Last decade the concept of outsourcing has become attractive and trendy since it affords companies to produce their goods with cost-effectiveness. For instance, the USA become trapped due to its economic policy of recent years, given that commercial companies were allowed to do manufacturing abroad, limiting the appearance of new jobs and increasing the unemployment rate, which significantly influenced the wealth of the average household in America.

A second drawback is the risk of dilution and even vanishing of national cultures since social communication via the Internet and global trade erase any boundaries preventing domestic and overseas customs compete with each other. Thus, in China, you can eat at McDonald's, watch Hollywood films and buy Ford Mustang but such a predominance of foreign lifestyle made people gradually forget about where they came from.

Finally, given that now local conflicts or crisis in a particular large economy can easily become a global issue, another Achilles hill of globalisation is tight connectedness between countries and an unbelievably sophisticated supply chain not defended from external interference. For instance, not long time ago a container EVE

GREEN blocked the entire Suez Canal and delay other 14 ships, heading to different harbours, meant high expenses for the carrier, companies producing goods and then higher price for the end consumer.

In brief, globalization is like being overwhelmed by a snow avalanche. You can’t stop it – you can only swim in the snow and hope to stay on top.

But being aware of such flaws as large losses for domestic economies, cultural unification and systemic risk humanity will be able to solve occurring threats promptly and quickly.


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