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Family is what makes people happy (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

11 из 14
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Nowadays, the problem of things which make people happy causes great argument and controversy. Some people think that we feel ourselves cheerful because of our relatives. Others have a totally different opinion.

As for me, I am sure that people are happy when they spend their time with their families. Firstly, our family is uplifting us when we are sad. Therefore, when people have a good mood they are able to do their best. Secondly, only our relatives will never give up on us and will always support us in all stressful situations. As a result, we can solve all of our problems because we know that there are people who will always stay on our side.

Nevertheless, other people have a different point of view. They claim that there are many other people who can make us feel happiness.

Thus, when people go to the cinema or parties with their friends or classmates they are delighted and amused.

However, I cannot with this opinion completely. Sometimes we feel lonely in the company of acquaintances, because people who have not blood kinship that unites not always pay attention to our problems.

To conclude, it is important to note that family is more than bonds, it is love, support and care. People can always rely on their relatives who will give the best moments of life and cheer up when it will be necessary.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Коммуникативная задача решена в полной мере.

К2 (организация текста) – 2 балла

Логическая связь в некоторых предложениях вызывает вопросы. Так, во втором абзаце имеется следующий фрагмент:

Firstly, our family is uplifting us when we are sad. Therefore, when people have a good mood they are able to do their best.
Думается, что слово therefore, переводящееся как «следовательно/поэтому» не вполне вписывается в данный контекст.

Сходная несогласованность есть и во фрагменте

They claim that there are many other people who can make us feel happiness. Thus, when people go to the cinema or parties with their friends or classmates they are delighted and amused.
Здесь слово thus, имеющее значение «таким образом», также несколько искажает описание.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

blood kinship that unites – blood kinship that unites them with us [Следует уточнить, что имеется в виду именно родственная связь между этими людьми и нами].

К4 (грамматика) – 1 балл

1) we feel ourselves cheerful – we feel cheerful [С глаголом feel возвратное местоимение не используется];

2) our family is uplifting us – our family uplifts us [Время Present Continuous следует заменить на Present Simple, поскольку описывается общая закономерность, а не конкретная ситуация];

3) I cannot with this opinion [Пропущено сказуемое – судя по всему, глагол agree];

4) people who have not blood kinship that unites not always pay attention – people who do not have blood kinship that unites them with us do not always pay attention [Логичнее использовать предложенные варианты отрицательных предложений];

5) who will give the best moments of life and cheer up – who will give them the best moments of life and cheer them up [Пропущены дополнения, без которых фрагмент предложения выглядит неточным в смысловом отношении];

6) when it will be necessary – when it is necessary [Будущее время не используется в придаточных предложениях времени].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

family is more than bonds, it is love, support and care – family is more than bonds it is love, support and care [Рекомендуется использовать вместо запятой тире, которое покажет, что далее следует пояснение].

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