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Every child should be taught to understand and enjoy classical music (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It goes without saying that children should develop their abilities and enlarge knowledge in different spheres, and music is no exception. Some people hold the opinion that children should be taught classical music, as it is beneficial for their development. Others believe that exposing a child to classical music can be confusing and even demotivating.

I support the idea of teaching children to understand classical music. Firstly, it develops a child's intellect. According to the study by the University of London, listening to classical music from childhood improves concentration, self-discipline and social skills. Secondly, being exposed to classical music from the early years helps understand modern music. The study held by the University of London also shows that classical music improves your ability to appreciate a wider range of music, which covers modern music.

Thirdly, listening to classical music broadens your outlook. Knowing classics simply makes a child more educated. A well-educated person is more likely to succeed in life.

However, there's an opposing opinion. It is believed that classical music is difficult to understand, that's why a child can be confused, and, as a result, demotivated. Moreover, teaching a child to enjoy classical music sounds a lot like not giving him a choice. Freedom of choice is something that shouldn't be taken away from children.

I don't believe that teaching classical music confuses and demotivates children. If taught properly, it won't confuse and certainly won't demotivate them.

In conclusion, teaching children classical music is really beneficial for their development and outlook. But, as well as everything else, it should be taught properly. Therefore, classical music definitely should be a part of children's education.


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