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39 и 40. Every child should be taught to understand and enjoy classical music (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)





Dear Polly,

Thanks for your letter! Sorry for not being in touch for so long-I was very busy last month.

But it’s nice to hear that you’re OK.

In your letter you asked me if I have a possibility of going to USA this year. Surprisingly, yes, my parent have spare money they can give for the trip. I’ve already have a list of places I want to visit in USA. For example, in New York they are Central Park, The Statue of Liberty and Metropolitan Museum. In general I would love to visit Disney World in Florida and Arches National Park.

By the way, where will you meet me in the USA? What should I bring with me? What places can you recommend me to visit first of all?

But I have to go now- it’s time for an evening walk with my dog.

I hope to hear from you soon.




Classical music is the works of the world famous composers that are considered the best in their time periods and music flows and that have withstood the test of time.

ut how should modern education relate to it? In this essay I will try to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, adults should instill a love of classical music to children from an early age. Firstly, it is scientifically proven to have a positive influence on the mental development of a child as it accelerates the work of the brain and helps to concentrate on work. Secondly, classical music teaches children new ways of feeling and expressing their emotions and can affect young souls very much in a good way.

Other people claim that classical music cannot answer queries of modern generations and the age gap between composers of the past and modern youth is too much now for children to understand the message of old works.

I cannot agree with this opinion because the works of classics contain the immortal truth and beauty of life and the feelings of composers themselves which can be very relatable even now.

To sum up, the issue of the use of classical music in the development of children is still open to discussion but I believe that it can be comprehensible and even enjoyable for children and helpful both for their mental and cultural development.


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