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Expand on features of a perfect house or flat (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Needless to say, each of us sometimes wishes to have an ideal dwelling which dramatically differs from where we live now, alone or with the family. In my talk I would like to get you acquaintanced with some features that are capable of whether the housing could be considered perfect or not at all.

Firstly, it must be equipped with cutting-edge technologies, offering a viable life-enhancing opportunity, in particular the smart home system. It not only affords us to boil the kettle while taking the elevator via wi-fi, adjust the light but saves electricity and gas, extends the service life of household appliances and prevent emergencies in time, including fire, flood, smoke, etc. For instance, my friend from Moscow has a smart home built-in and it freed Michael up from doing some chores, stealing our time bite after bite due to automation and made it possible to devote precious time to the family and activities which are valuable for him. Secondly, the chosen configuration must serve specific needs and interests of a person, purchasing a house/flat, such as the presence of big windows, giving more light, decent insulation, heating and air conditioning systems for comfortable time spent at home, etc.

For example, when renting the house during my holidays in Crimea, I significantly appreciated the presence of ingeniously constructed air conditioning, helping me not to survive but enjoy hot days. While staying inside I was able to devote my spare time to reading self-development books, listening to podcasts and, of course, catching up with the family.

To sum it up, a house or flat could be considered a perfect one if meets the following characteristics, which are the ability to control the most home devices and satisfy all desirable needs of a dweller for a great stay-home experience. Now a person who is aware of mentioned criteria could easily define how a perfect house/flat should look like.


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