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Our house and flat (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Our house and flat.

I live in a new nine-storied block of flats in Lomonosova Street. It a very good place for living. I live in a flat.

Our flat is on the second floor.

It is comfortable. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water, the Internet.

There are three big rooms in our flat: a living room, a study and a bedroom.

We also have a kitchen, hall and balcony.

Our living room is the largest in the flat, and my favourite.

It has a lot of sunshine in summer, winter and spring. That's why it's really warm here.

It is nicely furnished. There are two bookcases, because we are fond of reading.

There is a red sofa with two red armchairs and a small table near them.

We have big TV on the white-bricked wall, and some flowers below it.

All this makes the room cozy and nice for spending there free time.

I spend most of my time in my bedroom, which I use as a study.

Here you can see a writing-table for doing my homework.

Near the wall, there is a cozy ivory sofa where I sleep at night and have a rest at daytime. In addition, there are some bookshelves crammed with detective books.

But my favourite room is a kitchen.

I like cooking. It's my hobby.

Our kitchen is also large. The furniture there is modern. There we have gas stove, oven, fridge, beautiful cupboard where we keep our dishes. The kitchen serves us as a dining room. Nevertheless, when we receive guests we have meals in the living room.

I glad to have such cozy and convenient home. Moreover, we all try to keep it clean and nice.


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