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1. Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear 2. It is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)


They consider that people should take books from libraries because only in real books people can learn new information. Also, they think that e-books spoil vision.

Despite all my respect to my opponents’ opinion, I do not find their arguments convincing enough. E-books are no worse than real ones and they do not spoil the vision.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of libraries is still to be discussed.

ut for now, I will stay with my opinion, and I will say that public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear.


Nowadays, the problem of protecting the environment is very pronounced. Some people believe that it is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment while others think that government should not care about environment.

In my personal opinion, it is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment. To start with, I would like to say that factories that pollute the environment and air are ruled by the government, so it is their responsibility.

Furthermore, the government can oblige us to care about the environment in the way of abiding by the laws, and we will not have any choice besides to obey.

However, many people think that government should not care about environment. They consider that each person on the Earth should care about nature, and we do not need to shift the responsibility on the government.

Despite all my respect to my opponents’ opinion, I do not find their arguments convincing enough. People always need a leader or a person who show them a right way to do, so that is why governments exist.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem of protecting the environment is still to be discussed.

But for now, I will stay with my opinion, and I will say that it is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment.


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