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It is government's responsibility to protect the environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Global warming, pollution, deforestation, climate change - these are all the urgent problems of today. Someone has to finally put the environmental damage to an end. There is an opinion that it is government's duty to take measures to stop destroying the environment. Some people agree, others claim that nature is people's responsibility - everyone has to take part in saving our planet.

In my opinion, government should be responsible for preserving the environment. Firstly, government has more opportunities. For instance, it has the ability to create laws. It also has the funding, which allows to use alternative sources of energy instead of the usual. Secondly, governments contribute to the pollution as well. So, if they change the approach to using natural resources and, in general, treat the planet better, the environment's condition will improve greatly. 

However, there is an opposing opinion.

Some people believe that government can't help protect the environment. Nowadays, only 0,3% of governmental budget goes to improve ecology, that's why our government has not shown much concern about the environment so far. 

I can understand this opinion, but I cannot share it. Although the ecological situation is far from ideal, the government tries to fix it and 0,3% og the budget is just the beginning. This number can still grow and it should do so immediately. 

All in all, protecting the environment is government's duty. But it does not mean that people can continue contaminating the nature. We all should take action immediately, but it is the government that has the means to do that. 


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