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It’s the government’s responsibility to protect the environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the environment suffers considerably due to the act of humanity. Some people believe that the authorities must be in charge for protection of the nature while there are opponents of this view.

In my opinion, every person should take care of the nature. Firstly, people can join environmental organizations or start mass clean-ups. In fact, when people unite together, combine available sources and abilities, they have an opportunity to save the planet and solve the problems faster than by oneself. Secondly, it is possible for people to use eco-friendly products in order to reduce air, water pollution and prevent the global warming. In other words, every person may contribute to saving the earth by driving electric cars, sorting the garbage, installing solar panels on their roofs, using recyclable materials and so forth.

These simple actions might cause the improvement to the environment.

However, others claim that it is the state’s duty to prevent the nature from ruination and pollution. According to them, the government is able to pass certain laws which will stop animal haunting, deforestation and will force fabrics to install filters.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the above stated argument, because whether to follow the law or not depends on a person, that is why people can influence the environment mostly.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that everyone’s participation is important when it comes to the nature protection. Regardless of what my opponents may claim, it is my strong belief.


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