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Expand on the ideal home for students in Russia (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

To begin with, when calling something ideal people assume that a related subject or abstract has its specific criteria verifying whether it is actually ideal. This reporting will discuss such facts and suggest which building could be considered the most excellent home for students in our country.

Primarily, the location of the erection should be convenient, serving numerous different purposes for nourishing his/her body, curing a sudden cold or sore throat, refresh closet, fix already owned things and get to the university in time without transfers. These are infrastructure, which development and maintenance define the level of civilization of the region, opportunities for a student to uphold the level of life. The second criterion is the rent costs – the price should be as lower as possible, of course, so that student could be focused on his/her studies, not being stressed or uncertain about where to find the money.

However, for obvious reasons the slum area consisting of run-down or dilapidated apartments is not our way of choice. Thirdly, a local community of the area where undergraduate is going to dwell in is recommended to be friendly, calm and respectful since loud noises, never-ending renovations are scientifically proven to harm the psyche of a person and influence his/her final results. Finally, a new home should be necessarily equipped with wifi, a lot of plugs, a soft bed and bright lights for comfortable and productive studying and profound rest.

To conclude, given that the main social endeavour of a student for moving to another city is using his/her opportunity to get higher education, then no distractions should spoil such an intention. And in the most part renting a home that due to location, neighbourhood, internal facilities and expenses could be considered ideal will fix the most unpleasant issues for a student to enjoy a university life full of new knowledge and events.


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