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Expand on the quality of film adaptaitons of books (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays many people are used to discussing whether a film adaptation of a book is high-end, wherein not exactly understanding which factors define that characteristics. This essay will suggest few reasons why one particular movie could be considered a quality adaptation.

Primarily, actors should profoundly feel the heroes they are going to play. For instance, preparing for the film “Genius” Jude Low visited the house-museum of Thomas Wolf in Ashville to get immersed into the atmosphere surrounding the writer. Due to this experience, the

ritish actor was able to accurately and truly portray such a controversial and unique human character. Secondly, film studio should much more precisely choose voice-over since it, not corresponding to the appearance and traits of a hero, may doom a pic to fail both with the audience and critics across the countries.

Thus, when “Captain America: Civil War” was released in

ussia back in 2016 there was a lot of displeasure, given that Spider-Man was voiced but naturally unsuitable actor; the same relates to the adaption of the book too. Finally, to satisfy the common public and favourites of that particular book screenwriters are better to not ignore the necessary details and small events helping us acknowledge character as the story unfolds but at the same time, they need to meet all requirements of film production and fit a movie in not more than 2-2, 5 hours watching session. Therefore, significantly long films, especially those which lack features to make the audience glued to the screen, may fail down like it was with the Diology about Percy Jackson.

To sum it up, for the quality of a book screening by themselves speak the following factors – penetration of the cast, right voice-overs and duration of the movie.

eing acknowledged with them each viewer can gauge whether the film deserved to be considered high quality.


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