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Some studens think that the most important thing for a teacher is to make studying enjoyable for students + письмо (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Modern school is improving teaching methods every day, and it is hoghly discussed im our society. Some students believe, that one of the teacher's duties is to make education more interesting for them, while others claim, that their main purpose is to give good knowledhe even if it means, that lessons must be strict and conservative.

As far as I am concerned, it is incredobly important for lessons to be entertaining, because that supports students' interest in studying and help understand the subject better, memorize difficult rules. Moreover, it will influence the teacher's performance as well as the students', because if their students attend lessons with pleasure, it motivates them to make lewrning process even more creative and productive.

On the other hand, some people doubt that enjoyable lessons will give better results.

They believe, that conservatibe education encourage students to achieve high levels in their future life and gives an advantage in public relations.

I can only respectfully disagree with the opposing opinion. Exciting studying is exactlywht students need. That will encourage them to get more knowledge about new different things, improve their creativity and help to get necessary ground for their future professional life.

oring work does not always bring success.

Taking everything into consideration, I strongly believe, that if teachers convey the material to their students in entertaining manner, all of them, including the teacher, will get benefits from it.


Dear Gillian,

Thanks for your recent letters. It was great to hear from you again.

As for your questions, well, going to France for almost two weeks was a nice opportunity after all, but then I finally persuaded my mum to spend our holidays in Great

ritain. Unforgettable, that's what I'd say. My dream to visit the "Doctor Who Experience" museum in Cardiff finally came true, and our trip to London was exciting, too. I've seen Big Ben.

Going to Greece sound amazing. Is Susie going to take any of her friends with her? What kind of transport is she going to choose? Is she going to Greece by plane? Does she plan to improve her skills on speaking Greek?

Anyway, I have to go now. Keep in touch.




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