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Some people think that to reduce the number of cars on the road, it is important to increase taxes for private vehicles. Others, however, believe that a better infrastructure may be more effective in solving the problem of traffic congestion (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In terms of the constantly rising population, the situation on the road is becoming worse each year and there are two ways how society can approach that issue. Some people advocate for increasing bills for those, having any means of transport and an alternative view is for improvements in road maintenance. This essay will discuss both opinions and suggest that the latter way is the most sustained and has a long-lasting effect.

To begin with, the quality of road framework defines vehicle capacity, traffic lights efficiency, speed of traffic and we can undertake modernization, given that the population tend to grow each year.

Primarily, the harmonious work of stoplights, their appropriate location can enhance the speed of cars and bikes passing by. The power of Artificial Intelligence will help us decrease the amount of time spent in pointless waiting in front of red light both for motorists and for pedestrians, placing them in the most well-turned corner or intersection. Secondly, once built roads should get refreshment and development, meaning additional forks, bridges above or tunnels beneath to unload the main route. Since directions are varied, drivers will choose their way more precisely, assuming fewer cars in one place at a time.

However, there is a belief that tax reforms will somehow change the situation with the rush hour for the better. Today buying a car is widely accessible for the common public, sometimes the purchase is dictated not by objective needs but subjective like the sense of fashion and social status. Extra payings will stimulate citizens to purchase fewer vehicles, inasmuch as bills expenditures tend to squander their money. In fact, sticking to once submitted restrictions forever is not relevant and efficient; there will be always people ready to grant additional paycheck for owning a car, indicating that emphasis on the road infrastructure is the most obvious and realistic decision.

In conclusion, although some people assert the power of taxation, we can eradicate traffic congestion only by allocating the necessary infrastructure in overload places. It is a deeply gradual process but step after step we will achieve what taxes are not able to do and promote.


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